At this point in our journey, I hope you have been encouraged to pray and to pray often. I also hope that you are being open and honest in your communication with God, sharing willingly from your heart. I pray that you are choosing to believe that time spent with God in prayer matters. It does.

So far, this book may be the reminder you need to check in with God. Or maybe you're moving reluctantly out of a place of distrust. Either way, you’re praying. And praying maybe a tad more than you did last week. That's good.

Today we're taking our eyes off of ourselves and we're praying for friends. 

Right now, immediately, in this moment before your day gets busy and full of all the things you have to do, text a friend to ask her how you can pray for him/her. Then pray for them!

If that leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling, then text a few more people.

Don't forget to pray. If you really want to bless someone, text them your prayer for them.

Today I pray for every friend who secretly lives in pain.

Sometimes we know exactly what our friends are dealing with. They call us to report on a horribly awful no-good very bad day. Or they text us that they just won a hundred dollars in a contest at work. Or they stop by our house after the kids are in bed to cry on our shoulder.

But sometimes we don't know what's going on with our friends. Maybe they're too ashamed to tell us. Maybe they don't yet have the words to express what's going on inside of them. Maybe they're afraid we'll judge them. Or maybe they just feel stuck and can't get words out. Today, pray for the needs that you might not even know about.

Lord, help me to see what You see in the hearts and lives of my friends. Continue to prompt me, to quicken my heart to pray for those friends who really need prayer. Give me a high level of sensitivity to those who are hurting and who need a touch from You. You died for me, Jesus. And You died for them. Help me never to forget to love others like You love me.

Remember that you can pray anytime, anywhere. Washing dishes, digging ditches, working in the office, in the shop, on the athletic field, even in prison–you can pray and know God hears! -Billy Graham, evangelist

Is there a friend about whom you have concerns? Pray for her or him right now. No matter where you are.

God is never blind to your tears, never deaf to your prayers, and never silent to your pains. When you are lifting your friends up before Him, He sees, He hears, and He will deliver.

Wherever you are, right this very second, God sees your friend, and He cares.

Take a second to tell Him that you appreciate His holding your friend in His tender embrace.

Then if you have a few minutes, talk to Him about what concerns you about his friend. Simply invite Him into those worries and feelings. He already knows. He is the one who knows what to do.

Beloved, your prayers matter.

And one of the best things you may ever tell a friend is, "I'm praying for you."

If you can't get someone off your mind, pray for them. You may be the only one who cares enough to do so.

Have you had someone on your mind? Have you thought about them or maybe even prayed for them? Why don't you go old school and pick up the phone and call them to let them hear your voice? Tell them you care about them, that you've been thinking about them, and that you've whispered their name to Jesus today.

Dear God, I know You see my friend and You see me.  I can't fix this, but I invite You into this with me.